Jan 24, 2010

I'm moving!

Ok, so not literally to a new location, just moving the location of my blog! And also going to be changing the look and feel of things. What I have now is temporary until I can find more time to move more posts over and tweak the look of things a bit more. I'm pretty excited and hope to be able to update and post more now that I am on my own subdomain. WOOT! So please come check it out! http://pipskweek.2one8.com/

I changed the name also, but this will still have the rants from my open mind :D

PipSkweek is a nickname my amazing sister gave me forever ago and thought since I want to write about random things I like and enjoy, and of course, things that piss me off lol, I figured I should personalize it a little bit.

Please let me know what you think!!

Thank you!

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