Jul 9, 2008

females suck....

I've always hated women. Even tho being one myself, I understand it doesn't make a lot of sense. I grew up in a small town, my graduating class was about 120. Since I started 1st grade there, I always had more dudes as friends than girls. I noticed the looks other girls gave me if I didn't have the newest shoes or jeans on, but I never got that from the guys. Middle school came and I began wondering if I'd ever get boobs like everyone else around me, all the girls got boyfriends, and I just had 1 boyfriend in 5th grade, I wasn't all about the boys, around that time my parents where going through a divorce, I guess you could say I didn't focus on things most girls my age did. I grew up at the lake and at the race track, not so much girly action going on there. Since I didn't blossom like other girls in middle school, and didn't wear everything they did, I wasn't in the popular crowd (and didn't really give a fuck), it was just me and my crew when high school hit, So by then I pretty much hated females.

Through my 4 years of hell in high school I had totally, 2 boyfriends. I later found out that it went around that I was a lesbian, because I didn't hang with all the girls, and never dated the losers I went to school with. I was in the high school band which of course didn't help my 'image' which I never cared about anyway. When I first hit high school I was really getting into music, and because of my appearance I got more shit, because I didn't wear what the other girls were wearing, I wore whatever was comfortable, usually jeans and a tshirt. I didn't chase after boys, I just hung w/ em, skipped school, and chilled w/ them in detention basically. Guys aren't complicated, they don't check the mirror 50 fuckin times a day, they don't talk about how that guys shoes doesn't match his outfit or whatever, they talk cool shit lol. Well I did finally get boobs, bigger than a lot of the girls I ended up graduating with (what now bitches lol)

Okay, so don't get me wrong, I did have some chick friends, my best friends Sarah and Misty really helped me find myself in high school. After graduation I have been back to that shit hole town only a few times to visit people that mattered to me. I mainly didn't get along w/ the girls I graduated with because sadly enough I knew a lot of them since first grade. So I came out of high school w/ a bad attitude toward other females, b/c the ones I went to were mainly spoiled, judgmental, and backstabbing.

After high school I ran into someone that I once considered a friend in high school at one point, until they literally quit talking to me... for what reason I'm not exactly sure, from what I can tell, I guess I wasn't good enough since she started to hang out with an individual that not only was just like described above, but her voice was like a 2 year old, and she would whine all the fucking time. So shortly after graduation (she actually dropped out like a few months before) a friend, that was still friends with her, for some reason brought her to my house, and suprisingly enough she apologized, admitted it was shitty, she was a bitch, and said she missed me. I'm usually a pretty understanding/forgiving person, which was my downfall. I went w/ her and my other friend to her b/fs house, and partied. This is where the summer after graduating starts to slip from me. We hung out... all the time, and partied. I was just out of a relationship so hell yeah I was all for it. Since I was out of high school and the relationship I was just ready for a less drama filled life, because as much as we try, we can't escape the high school drama. So long story short, my 'friend' ended up living w/ me and when we realized summer was half was over and we needed jobs, we went to the local amusement park, and we were hired on the spot.

Fast forwarding about a month into this job, the 'friend' starts to date a coworker. Now, living w/ my mom is not bad at all, she pretty much let us do whatever, just didn't want us out until 4 am all the time, which I totally understood. But 'friend' however wanted to stay out all night w/ her new boytoy. So whatever we still hung out but she just wouldn't listen, I tried explaining to her that, if she wanted to still live there that she should be careful b/c I know my mom and she wouldn't hesitate to through her out if she is out all night and still barely putting in for bills etc. So my mom kicked her out, and she quit talking to me. We still worked together, even on rides right beside each other, and it took her some time to actually come talk to me. She tried to say she wasn't mad, but then never talked to me after that. That was...... summer 06. I started college that fall, apparently shortly after she was knocked up and now has 2 kids, lol anyway.

My college was mainly women, but had quite a few older women in some of my classes. I never really had issues w/ anyone in college except some crazy girl that my b/f's best friend was dating lol but thats irrelevant really. If we move to Decemeber, my friend from the army was in town now SHE is cool lol. We met at the previous summer job. So when she is in town we like to hit up the club and go dance. Now I have to say this b/c we were going in DECEMBER where it would be in the 20's in the evening and yet there are still girls walking around half naked! I dunno I guess I just don't get it b/c I didn't go to the club to pick up random guys, I just went to shake my thang lol. Well one night we went to a local pool hall called magoos and we were coming out of the bathroom and this guy stops my friend and we start talking. While we're talking I'm pretty much thinking I'm wasting time b/c they stopped my friend, not me, so no way am I gonna get asked anything. To my surprise, after getting asked a few normal questions like age, etc, he points at me and asks for my number, w/ a lil hesitance I gave it to him. I got a text the next day, and its been history since.

Now you might be wondering wtf this has to do w/ hating females, but hold on we're getting there. The wonderful man who asked me for my number is staring at me across the desk. <3 Now, hes a few years older, so he has more life experience... and an ex. Yeah, an x BITCH. I try not to wish death upon anyone, except her and 2 other people lol. But what I don't understand how someone could be so crazy. I know you're probably thinking well you've only heard his side, well that and his moms. Not going into details, but this woman is a horrible mother, and horrible person in general. I've never met her but she has taken so many things from me. I was told that she possibly could want to get in touch w/ me to me of my fiance, but I pray she does b/c I have so much to say to her, but in the end she's not worth it. I've come to realize the type of person she is, if she does get in touch w/ me, I know it will be just to try and piss me off and to leave my amazing man. But she has another thing coming. She has put him through so much shit he just doesn't deserve. So yet, my last, and recently main point of hating women. All I have to say to her, is what goes around comes around bitch, you'll get yours one of these days.

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