Aug 17, 2008

Growing up

Growing up sucks! I just turned 20... And it has fucked me up lol. My emotions are crazy. Of course how can a birthday do that? Easily. Becoming an adult is difficult. I'm trying to find my place in the world and find that certain lil comfort spot where I'm comfortable with who I am, where I am proud of who I am. I used to be very proud of who I am and used to know who I was. Now, not so much. I feel like I have a lot to prove to my father, who has maybe told me he's proud of me once, which was when I graduated high school. But I had to hear how I better graduate and not fuck up, when I only needed 4 credits to graduate. Anyway. So I guess I have to constant battle within myself that I'm not aware of to always prove myself. Things are getting better now. Life has been pretty rough the past like forever months but now things are slowly piecing back together. I have this amazing man who I can't live without, but he has someone trying to ruin his life.
I like to think I have it all together upstairs lol when I know thats not always the case. My emotions have calmed down a bit because I'm trying to make changes within myself to be a better person and a better woman above all things. I think I'm getting there. Making progress at least :D
So I haven't really had any good topics to write about lately, so please give me suggestions lol I want to write just am too boring haha, plus have been busy with work. I have to say I have the coolest job ever. I work at home on a computer and get paid over 10 bucks an hour to take chats all day lol pretty easy. Except working with idiots lol *facedesk* which I am doing now so its tah tah for now! Take it easy

Sarah ♫♪

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah i hate growing up things were so much simpler when we were younger people did everything for us! and we wanted to grow up quicker!what idiots we were lol

btw new blog