Aug 4, 2008


I watched a fucking awesome documentary last night. It's about the truth. The truth of our government and things that they don't want us to know. The best part was part 2, about 9-11. A horrible tragedy... planned? I apologize for anyone offended. Its information that we all need to know, and we need to realize the truth and quit believing the bullshit they feed us on the news. We're about to electing a new president but news stations and reporters think that talkin about Brittney Spears and Paris Hilton should be our top stories. Here is a reporter standing up for the fact that the top stories they want to report are bullshit.
Lets talk about the real reason we are in Iraq, lets talk about our presidential candidates so we don't elect a fucking failure to run our country.
After watching this documentary, I don't want to raise my children in this country. My patriotism has been shot. And I'm ready to move to Australia lol. So please watch the entire thing, I know its long, but well fucking worth it.

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