Aug 10, 2008

New World Order

WATCH THESE VIDEOS!! If you're not involved in politics, please atleast watch these. Do you want to have a New World Order, the world under one government?


The above clip is from the movie Zeitgeist, which will explain SO much about what is going and and basically what they don't want us to know. Check out the link to ther right! --->

Do you want to have a North American Union, where Canada, Mexico, and U.S.A become one country and we drop borders... Well guess what, its happening.

Do you want to get rid of our currency? And share an Amero w/ Mexico and Canada... Well, thats happening too.

This shit is getting fucked up, we need to educate ourselves, and wake up to whats being done behind our backs, and without our knowledge. Who doesn't want New world Order?

There is whats called a write in vote where you can write in the name of someone other than Obama or McCain. And now I'm going to write in Ron Paul. He would be the best thing for this country. Who cares if he's republican, he stands of for some good things. Research him on google and youtube. We need to be more aware of whats going on in our country.

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